Alexander Ivaniuk

Posts by Alexander Ivaniuk

  • diagram-for-variant-assignment-for-a-sample-population

    A/B testing at LinkedIn: Assigning variants at scale

    December 16, 2020

    Co-authors: Alexander Ivaniuk and Weitao Duan Editor’s note: This blog post is the second in a series providing an overview and history of LinkedIn’s experimentation platform. The previous post on the history of LinkedIn’s experimentation infrastructure can be found here. Introducing variant assignment Previously on the blog, we’ve shared a look into how...

  • test-management-deployment-and-evaluation-workflow-at-linkedin

    Our evolution towards T-REX: The prehistory of experimentation infrastructure at LinkedIn

    September 24, 2020

    Editor’s note: This blog post is the first in a series providing an overview and history of LinkedIn’s experimentation platform. At any given time, LinkedIn’s experimentation platform is serving up to 41,000 A/B tests simultaneously on a user population of over 700 million members. Operation at such a scale is enabled with the LinkedIn Targeting, Ramping, and...

  • diagram-of-linkedin-services-and-the-lix-engine

    Making the LinkedIn experimentation engine 20x faster

    January 3, 2020

    Co-authors: Alexander Ivaniuk, Jingbang Liu At LinkedIn, we like to say that experimentation is in our blood because no production release at the company happens without experimentation; by “experimentation,” we typically mean “A/B testing.” The company relies on employees to make decisions by analyzing data. Experimentation is a data-driven foundation of the...