Igor Perisic

Posts by Igor Perisic

  • EGR2018

    Research Updates: Economic Graph Research Program CFP

    August 20, 2018

    If you are a researcher, academic, or data-driven thinker, the LinkedIn Economic Graph Research Program (EGRP) is your opportunity to team with LinkedIn to solve some of the most challenging economic problems of our time. Today, I am happy to provide an update on the new research teams that have joined the EGRP on an ongoing basis, and to announce a new call for...

  • featured2

    Making Hard Choices: The Quest for Ethics in Machine Learning

    November 23, 2016

    Editor’s note: We are just starting to recognize the pervasive, yet subtle, ways that machine learning algorithms influence our lives, from job recommendations to self-driving cars. The use of the these algorithms introduces difficult ethical problems for those involved in the creation of these systems: How can developers know that their systems are ethical and...

  • Open Source

    Open Source Hits Scale in 2015

    December 22, 2015

    In 2015 we made our biggest contributions yet to the open source community by open sourcing more than 10 original projects, including Pinot, Burrow and Gobblin, and pushing significant updates to Samza, Rest.li, Kafka and Voldemort, four of our most broadly adopted open source projects. We‘ve worked to scale our infrastructure as we reached 400 million LinkedIn...

  • Open Source

    Open Source Hits Scale in 2015

    December 22, 2015

    In 2015 we made our biggest contributions yet to the open source community by open sourcing more than 10 original projects, including...

  • XLNT Team

    Are the Best Decisions Instinctual, or Data-Driven?

    November 12, 2015

    How do you develop products? Do you blindly trust your instinct, or do you hide behind a mountain of data to make decisions? Sure,...

  • Why Open Source Works for LinkedIn

    June 2, 2015

    Open sourced software is no longer restricted to addressing small, low-level problems and for companies that can’t afford to built it...