Unified Metrics Platform (UMP) is a specification and a set of tools used to facilitate the creation of streamlined and consistent metrics data at LinkedIn. After onboarding to UMP, metrics are then available in our A/B testing platform (XLNT), reporting platforms (Raptor, EasyBI, Tesla), as well as for ad-hoc reporting. Metrics from UMP support over 300 data pipelines that process tracking, database dumps, and other data.

UMP is as a basis for LinkedIn Reporting Platform. UMP provides common language, best practices, and a workflow for all teams producing metrics data. UMP metrics are created offline from data that resides in Hadoop or, in the future, on the fly from the Kafka events.

Before the unified platform, the reporting was mostly fragmented, siloed and ad-hoc. Multiple stakeholders come up with different ways to calculate the same metric arriving at slightly different results. There was no way to share metrics across the organization and reporting platforms, leading to effort duplication. And as the pipelines get more complex, the reliability suffered.

Today, the Unified Metrics Platform serves as the single source of truth for all business metrics at Linkedin by providing a centralized metrics processing pipeline (as-a-service), a metrics computation template, a set of tools and process to facilitate metrics life-cycle in a consistent, trustful and streamlined way.