"Selenium -- to 3.0 and Beyond" by Simon Stewart, Selenium PL, 02/19/14 at LinkedIn

February 5, 2014

LinkedIn is very pleased to announce that Simon Stewart, the Selenium Project Lead, will be giving a talk entitled Selenium -- to 3.0 and Beyond at LinkedIn HQ on Wednesday, February 19th, from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.

Simon's talk will answer the following questions: Where is the Selenium project going? What are the Selenium developers working on? How's the W3C standard progressing? Why hasn't it appeared yet? What will it mean for your tests? What's in? What's out?

Come ready with questions about what matters most to you about the Selenium project, and Simon will do his best to provide you with answers.

Simon's talk, part of the South Bay Selenium Meetup, will be held in the Unite Conference Room at 2025 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA. Space is limited so you must RSVP at the South Bay Selenium Meetup event page.

-- Mary Ann May-Pumphrey and Renuka Kodiyalam
