Tech Talk: Mike Ash and the Objective-C Runtime

November 19, 2013

LinkedIn is incredibly lucky to have Mike Ash deliver a customized two day iOS Masterclass course this week. While I was thrilled for our iOS Developers, I didn't like the idea of other Cocoa Developers in the Bay Area missing out seeing Mike in action. As Mike is such a great guy, he has graciously agreed to also speak at the upcoming Cocoa Heads meet-up at our Sunnyvale Building A campus, this Thursday, November 21st, 2013.

Where: LinkedIn Sunnyvale Building A campus
When: Thursday, November 21, 2013. 6-9pm
Tickets: Get them now on

Come learn about the Objective-C Runtime

Many Cocoa programmers are only vaguely aware of the Objective-C runtime. They know it's there (and some don't even know this!), that it's important, and that you can't run Objective-C without it, but that's about where it stops. In this session, Mike will run through exactly how Objective-C works at the runtime level and what kind of things you can do with it. If time, Mike will also provide a rundown of how the objc_msgSend implementation works. Fun stuff!

Join us for a great night out

We'll have pizza, snacks and a selection of delicious beverages so come down, say hi, learn a lot and have a great time. We'll also have a lucky door prize where the winning ticket will win a sweet Apple Hoodie.

Get your tickets now from See you there.
