Felix GV

Posts by Felix GV

  • Open Sourcing Venice – LinkedIn’s Derived Data Platform

    September 26, 2022

    We are proud to announce the open sourcing of Venice, LinkedIn’s derived data platform that powers more than 1800 of our datasets and is leveraged by over 300 distinct applications. Venice is a high-throughput, low-latency, highly-available, horizontally-scalable, eventually-consistent storage system with first-class support for ingesting the output of batch and...

  • Writing Maintainable Integration Tests

    August 29, 2016

    Editor's note: This blog has been updated. In software development, writing integration tests is sometimes an afterthought. Many people think exclusively in terms of unit tests, and perhaps many more don't think about automated tests at all. Thus, the very idea of writing integration tests that are maintainable, manageable, and scalable may seem foreign to most....

  • Voldemort 1.10 Open-Source Release

    October 20, 2015

    It has been a little over a year since the Voldemort 1.9 release, and the team of contributors at LinkedIn has not been standing still. After 22 patch releases, 100 pull requests, 244 commits, 504 files changed, and some 20 thousand lines rewritten, it is time for us to unleash the next major milestone in Voldemort’s history, release 1.10! Although it would be...

  • Prototyping Venice: Derived Data Platform

    August 10, 2015

    This is an interview with Clement Fung, who interned with the Voldemort team last year and liked LinkedIn so much that he decided to...