Drew Hannay

Posts by Drew Hannay

  • feature1

    Open Sourcing Dex Test Parser

    February 10, 2017

    Part of LinkedIn’s 3x3 pipeline for building and releasing mobile applications involves making the cycle for testing changes to the app as fast and reliable as possible. Achieving this goal requires a complete automation pipeline for every step, from code commit to production release and every test in between. This pipeline needed to be fast enough to fit inside...

  • Android Test Butler

    Open Sourcing Test Butler

    August 4, 2016

    Automated testing is a key component to LinkedIn’s 3x3 strategy for releasing mobile applications. As we developed the new LinkedIn Android app, we found that our tests had a major problem: our testing environment was unreliable, so our tests failed intermittently. We needed a solution that would let us rely on our tests to inform us when there was a problem...

  • Android UI tests running in parallel on multiple emulators

    3x3: Speeding Up Mobile Releases

    February 3, 2016

    LinkedIn recently released Project Voyager, our codename for the new version of our flagship application for Android, iOS, and mobile web. Voyager is the result of more than a year of product development work by over 250 engineers. We took the opportunity to rethink the LinkedIn experience from the ground up, not only from a product perspective, but on the...

  • Android UI tests running in parallel on multiple emulators

    3x3: Speeding Up Mobile Releases

    February 3, 2016

    LinkedIn recently released Project Voyager, our codename for the new version of our flagship application for Android, iOS, and mobile...