Data Management

Unstructured Data Transfer in

A few years ago, we announced 2.x and a Protocol Upgrade Story. Today, we are excited to share another major milestone: the release of Unstructured Data Reactive! The source code is available on GitHub and documented in the user guide. Give it a try and let us know what you think.  

Why is an open source REST framework for building robust, scalable RESTful architectures using type-safe bindings and asynchronous, non-blocking I/O. fills a niche for applying RESTful principles at scale with an end-to-end developer workflow for building REST APIs, which promotes clean REST practices, uniform interface design, and consistent data modeling. was developed at LinkedIn over a period of six years, and it plays a critical role in LinkedIn’s data-model-centric architecture, which ensures a consistent stateless Restful API model.

Why unstructured data?

The framework enables applications to model their data and RESTful interfaces as Resources. However, an inherent requirement is that the data must be representable in a JSON-like structure that consists of maps/lists with primitive data types. Unstructured data, such as PDFs or images, cannot be Resources. This has become increasingly limiting as we are witnessing more and more unstructured data use cases in applications. Supporting unstructured data as native resources aims to provide a better and unified solution going forward. It also unlocks the possibility of framework-level performance optimization in the near future.  

Reactive streaming: Asynchronous non-blocking back pressure streaming  

Non-blocking vs. blocking
A blocking execution may potentially wait before it can proceed. For example, when reading from a file system, the execution may wait for slower I/O. When getting data from a downstream service, the execution needs to wait for the response before it can return the data. When adding data to a blocking bounded queue, the execution may block if the queue has reached its capacity. Reading data from an InputStream or writing data to an OutputStream is blocking.

A non-blocking execution doesn't need to wait before it completes. There can be long-running execution that is non-blocking.

Reactive streaming should be non-blocking. That is, the consumer of the data should not block because the producer can't produce data fast enough, and the producer of the data should not block because the consumer can't consume the data fast enough. Additionally, the mechanism to provide back pressure (see below) should also be non-blocking.

InputStream and OutputStream are considered blocking I/O.

Future.get() is blocking.

Methods returning CompletableFuture, Future, and Promise are expected to have a non-blocking implementation.

Synchronous vs. asynchronous
Synchronous function invocation provides data or otherwise completes the requested operation on function return. Synchronous function invocation may or may not be blocking.  

An asynchronous function invocation doesn't return the data or the signal of completion. It typically provides the data or the signal of completion through a callback, but it can also do it with a promise or other mechanism. An asynchronous function invocation is intended to be non-blocking.

Reactive streaming should be asynchronous to avoid being blocked.

Passing in a callback to receive an execution result is asynchronous.

Returning a CompletableFuture or a promise is asynchronous.

Returning a Future is also asynchronous but getting the execution result is synchronous.

Back pressure
When a consumer can't consume data fast enough, to avoid caching data indefinitely it needs a mechanism to notify the producer to stop producing data until it can consume more data. This mechanism is called back pressure.

Inside server code, the back pressure is provided by EntityStream API (see below) which is pull-based, so that ensures the ability to apply back pressure inside a JVM (on the contrary, without this back pressure, for example, Netty would willingly buffer all data chunks you write to it, until OutOfMemoryError is thrown). Across the network, the back pressure is achieved via TCP flow control.  

The following figure illustrates how back pressure works in a scenario where a client is uploading a file to the server and the server asynchronously dumps the file into the disk. There are two EntityStreams (W, O, R, representing Writer, Observer, Reader, respectively) in the figure; one is on the client side, where the user code is the Writer that is trying to write the data chunks of the request body, and the other is on the server side, where the user code is the Reader that is trying to read data chunks of the request body.  

An example of back pressure


Now assume disk I/O is busy (1) on the server and write to disk takes a long time. The Reader would not request more data (2) because previous data chunks are yet to be processed. Consequently, Writer would not try to write data into the EntityStream and thus ultimately stops reading data from the socket (3). Now TCP flow control kicks in, and as a result the socket buffer on the client side fills up (4). Because it is futile to try writing into the socket, the Reader on the client side EntityStream would stop requesting more data (5). And finally, the Writer would stop writing data into the EntityStream (6).

The abstraction we come up with to represent the body of a request or response is EntityStream. It is influenced by Reactive Streams and Servlet API 3.1.

The EntityStream has a Writer on one end and has a Reader on the other end. It could also have Observers, which observe the data flow.

The stream can only be consumed once. Writer is not obliged to keep THE reference to the data once it's been consumed. Reader is the one who ultimately decides whether data chunks should be consumed. It signals its intention of consuming more data. Writer can write data chunks to EntityStream as requested. This process is asynchronous. If Writer has no data at the time, it can write later once the data is produced. When data is written into EntityStream, Reader's callback would be invoked to process the data chunk.

The contract is that Writer cannot write more data chunks than requested by Reader. If the data stream ends, Writer signals success; otherwise, if there is a problem in producing the data, Writer signals error. Observers just observe the data flow (their callbacks would be invoked when new data is written into EntityStream or done, or error events happen), without the means to request more data.


EntityStream does not span across the network
One misunderstanding that often confuses people is that they think EntityStream spans across the network, with Writer on one side of a network connection and with Reader on the other side of the network connection. This is not the case. Both the Writer and Reader are on the same side of the network connection (or rather, in the same JVM). For example, when user code sends a request, the user code would be the Writer and the R2 bindings (e.g., for Netty) would be the Reader.

The back pressure across the network is achieved by TCP flow control.

Previous solution

To try to solve this problem, previously introduced attachment streaming, which is inspired by the Reactive Streaming Manifesto.

Attachment streaming in, from the bottom (R2) to the top, has the following characteristics:

  • Allows for processing a potentially unbounded number of elements

  • Ensures that data elements are handled in sequence

  • Asynchronously passes elements between components

  • Mandatory non-blocking backpressure from the bottom (TCP) up

  • The reader should never be forced to buffer data

  • Lack of frontend web support, which is restricted by using Content-Type: multipart/* (Http-Header)

Unstructured data vs. attachment provides two solutions to send blob data. You can make the decision for which solution to use based on the following comparisons.


Comparison of unstructured data vs. attachment use cases


Detailed comparison of unstructured data and attachment approaches

What’s next

We currently provide the Reactive Unstructured Data support and the team is working on the client-side CodeGeneration. Object Streaming (aimed at providing or accepting the collection of entities one by one) is also under planning.


I would like to thank Heather McKelvey, Goksel Genc, Maxime Lamure, Xiao Ma, Min Chen, Karthik Balasubramanian, Arun Ponniah Sethuramalingam, Joel Hare, Jiaqi Guan, and Evan Williams for their help in writing this blog post.