Expand Your Mind and Acquire New Skills with lynda.com

June 16, 2015

Growing up in a very rural area of central Virginia I had a burning desire to learn, but my sources of information were limited. The nearest library was a half-hour drive away, too far to make it a regular option. The ridiculously expensive encyclopedia my parents had purchased was my only real avenue, outside of school, to satisfy my desire to gain knowledge.

Today, unlimited information is at our fingertips and much of the most powerful content has moved from the written word to videos - that’s where lynda.com comes in. There are many reasons LinkedIn is excited to welcome lynda.com to the family, but for me personally, this additional will enable us to give our members the ability to create economic opportunity for themselves. The team at lynda.com has created an extensive library of premium video content, spanning hundreds of thousands of videos on a diverse set of professional topics across multiple languages.

People use lynda.com every day to accelerate their career or simply feed their desire to learn. I am something of an obsessive serial hobbyist and recently used lynda.com to learn more about shooting video to add to my cooking blog. It's easy to forget that access this type of repository of knowledge is amazing.

Unlike when I was growing up, people are no longer bound by their physical geography. A 21-year-old in Virginia who wants to move to California can use LinkedIn to find available jobs. And now with lynda.com, he or she can take the relevant and accredited courses to land the job that will improve their economic situations.

Now it’s your turn. A world of learning is at your fingertips, so this summer invest in yourself by watching one of the thousands of video tutorialson lynda.com. If you need more motivation, the lynda.com team has just integrated practice coding into more than 38 courses in in HTML, CSS and Javascript, so you can write practice code in a window alongside your chosen course.
